Talk! Read! Play! with ME Everyday!

03/09/2024 12:30 PM - 02:30 PM CT


  • Free


U4C at Delmar Divine
5501 Delmar Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63112
Room Number: Conference Room 9


*In-person, PUBLIC training in St. Louis., MO*
Talk, read, play...with your child everyday! These three elements create a bond with the parent or caregiver and the child. During this session, we will discuss the importance of talking, reading, playing with children and the brain development and research behind these three elements. Participants will walk away from the session with tools and strategies to increase parent involvement using the talk, read, play with your child everyday mindset.


Presented By: Ann Cunningham


  • Recognize the purpose of Talk, Read, Play (TRP) campaigns
  • Plan ways to implement more TRP into your program
  • Identify ways to share the TRP message with families

Core Competencies: 

5c: Modify teaching practices by applying, expanding, integrating, and updating their content knowledge in the disciplines, their knowledge of curriculum content resources, and their pedagogical content knowledge. (2 Hours)


Physical and Intellectual Competence (2 Hours)