Positive Behavior Support: Individualized Interventions for Children with Challenging Behaviors (22

02/18/2021 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM CT


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ZOOM - Online
United States of America

Virtual Meeting URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84758131742?pwd=eTQ0Zzh2STVSWC9YQlhIN2xSeDd6Zz09


It can be difficult to teach children with diverse abilities and specific challenges. This session offers individualized interventions and strategies to support children in developing alternative, positive behaviors to replace those that are more challenging to classroom harmony. Participants will learn how to determine the function of a child's behavior and use evidence based practices that promote inclusion and improve child outcomes with prevention strategies, teaching strategies, and reinforcement strategies


Positive Behavior Support: Individualized Interventions for Children with Challenging Behavior

It can be difficult to teach children with diverse abilities and specific challenges. This session offers individualized interventions and strategies to support children in developing alternative, positive behaviors to replace those that are more challenging to classroom harmony. Participants will learn how to determine the function of a child's behavior and use evidence based practices that promote inclusion and improve child outcomes with prevention strategies, teaching strategies, and reinforcement strategies

Positive Behavior Support: Individualized Interventions for Children with Challenging Behavior

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