Supporting Children in Foster Care

07/31/2021 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM CT


  • Free


[No City], MO

Virtual Meeting URL:


Children in foster care face unique challenges and barriers to environments that are supportive and inclusive of their needs, which is why this training was developed. This training equips participants with an increased understanding of how child welfare teams operate, how to build more inclusive environments for children in care, and will allow participants to build a better understanding of the complexities of birth and foster family dynamics.



Meeting ID : 895 2799 1830


*Increase understanding of child welfare team structures and how they operate
*Increase ability to build inclusive and supportive environments for children in care
*Increase understanding of complex birth and foster family dynamics

Core Competencies:

4.2.1.b Recognizes and respects that factors that may influence how families nurture and support their child.
4.2.1.c Protects children, youth, and family confidentiality.
4.2.1.d Identifies ways to support the relationship between children and their families.


4. Strategies to establish productive relationships with families