Addressing Stress and Trauma in Children ( 19.5% )

07/13/2021 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM CT


  • Free


ZOOM - Online

Virtual Meeting URL:


Children and families who have experienced traumatic or stressful events need special support. This session will give you the knowledge and skills you need to be a source of support in their lives. This module defines trauma and identifies the sources of stress that can affect children's development. You will learn about how children are impacted by exposure to trauma.


Meeting ID: 

821 2466 8704

Participants will be able to identify and describe the impact of trauma and stress on children. Participants will recognize the importance of relationships and resilience in young children that experience trauma or stress. Participants will understand signs and symptoms of stress and trauma in young children. Participants will understand strategies that support families and children to reduce the risk of stress or trauma.
Core Competencies: 
5.3.3.b - Identifies physical signs of stress and trauma and makes appropriate referrals.
5.4.3.a - Recognizes signs of stress and emotional trauma and makes appropriate referrals.

Promoting Mental Health
Promoting Physical Health
Health and Safety