Cultivating Resiliant Teachers to Support Children 3.0 Kansas City 4.27.2019

04/27/2019 08:45 AM - 11:45 AM CT


  • Free


Hospital Hill Family Learning Center
610 E 22nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
United States of America
Room Number: Don Chisolm Building


According to a recent study from the University of Missouri, 93% of teachers report high levels of stress. The implications of teacher stress are profound, including increased teacher burnout and teacher turn-over. Additionally, teacher stress is found to have a direct impact on the well-being of children. This training examines teacher resilience and offers practical strategies to reduce stress.



Cultivating Resilient Teachers to Support Children  3.0  Kansas City  4.27.2019


According to a recent study from the University of Missouri, 93% of teachers report high levels of stress. The implications of teacher stress are profound, including increased teacher burnout and teacher turn-over. Additionally, teacher stress is found to have a direct impact on the well-being of children. This training examines teacher resilience and offers practical strategies to reduce stress.

Hospital Hill Family Learning Center, 610 E 22nd Street, Kansas City, MO